The Light of your Soul ![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
One blindfolds his Self and creates the darkness ............Then begins the game where he seeks light that is within his Self everywhere outside of his spirit........In the chaos he stumbles and falls.....He experiences pain and blames it on the darkness......He cries ........he shouts in fury for someone to come and show him the light........He learns to find his way in the dark..........but never attempts to learn his own reality.............He attaches himself to worldly pleasures and makes its glamour his day..........And then when his toy loses its shine he laments the nights of fear that fill his mind.......... Little does he realize that the light of peace that he so desperately seeks is the nature of his own spirit.......It is when he tosses the toy in disgust and hears from within the Divine Song that he begins to gather the conviction to remove the blindfold upon his eye..........As he opens his eye he sees the light of peace and asks, "Where have you been for I have searched for you in all the worlds." And from the light he hears the words that make still in silence......"You have for all this time searched for your Self...........for I am the light of your soul."
Peace is the nature of the spirit...........love is its expression........truth is its way...........and goodness is its only world............The light of each and every soul shines with its glory..........The moment the Self reveals it Self to the Self the game comes to an end.........What remains is then the light...........the light of the Soul............